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{e-knowa} - Software Application Evaluation Services

Are you trying to decide between off-the-shelf products? We can help...

Our application evaluation services are tailored to the needs of the enterprise. We can provide you with valuable information about off-the-shelf products you are considering to purchase. Knowing about some major issues before your next software purchase may save you a lot of money and time and perhaps help you avoid them all together.

The following is what we do:

Are you trying to launch a software product and looking for professional advice? We can help...

We can provide you with qualified, informed advice on your software and deployment/launch processes. We have successfully launched many of our projects, we can certainly help yours, too.

Are you in the process of developing a software project and want to a second opinion on your design and development methodologies? We can help...

We have proven to be good in developing enterprise software. We can certainly help your software development teams or your project managers with our experience. We can evaluate your design, review code, teach some of the best practices, make recommendations. If you are already "on track", we just say so. We can help you have a peace of mind!

Do you need to beta test your software. We can help again...

Because we are primarily a software development company, we know where to look for to find software problems. We can also distinguish between severe problems and not so severe ones, which may not be apparent. Identifying major problems up front is priceless in the software business. We can not only do just that, but we may also be able to provide suggestions and solutions.

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