{e-knowa} - Technologies
We tend to pick the right tools for specific problems. We do prefer open source technologies and standards due to their better quality and cost advantages, however, they need to match our clients' needs. If not, we do not have a problem using proprietary technologies. We always prefer lightweight tools and solutions.
We are experts in the following:
- OS Platforms: Unix, GNU/Linux, Windows
- Development Platforms: Java EE, .NET, C++, Python, PHP
- Programming Technologies: Java, C++, C, Python, PHP, C#, XML, CORBA, Java Native Interface (JNI), SQL, Oracle PL/SQL
- Java Enterprise Technologies: Servlets, JSP, JDBC, JMS, JNDI, EJB, RMI/IIOP, JavaMail, JTA/JTS etc.
- Java Enterprise Frameworks: Springframework, Struts
- Java O/R and Persistence Tools: iBatis SqlMaps, Hibernate, Toplink
- Java Enterprise Application Servers: Apache Tomcat, Resin, JBoss, BEA Weblogic, IBM Websphere, Oracle Application Server
- Relational Database Management Software: Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MS SQL Server
- Templating Engines: Freemarker, Velocity
- Web Technologies: HTML, XHTML, CSS, AJAX, Javascript, Java Applets, various Wiki tools
- Shell Programming: Bash, CShell and Korn Shell scripting
- User Interface Programming: Java Swing, Java AWT, wxWidgets, wxPython
- Source Control Tools: Subversion, CVS
- Design, Documentation, and Engineering Tools: UML, Erwin Modeler, Rational Rose
- Web Services
- Scientific Packages: Matlab, Maple, SciPy, NumPy, MatPlot, JFreeChart
- Embedded Systems Development
- Statistical Analysis
- Image Processing
- Data Mining
- Artificial Intelligence